What is blogROI?

Or more importantly, what is the ROI (return on investment) of blogROI to you?

Easy equation

To read blogROI is free. If what you read gives you something useful, it quickly gives you a high, positive ROI. Your only investment is time. So if you feel that reading here is a waste of time, however, that will give negative ROI. How postive or negative the ROI depends on what value you give your experience as well as the value of your given time slot. Only you can know the answer to that equation, but my goal is to give you a high, positive ROI for your time, hence the blog name.

The odds of experiencing a strong, positive ROI here are best if you are interested in web marketing and ROI on the Internett, because that’s what this blog is about.

About me

I, the writer, is Annette Kallevig – owner, strategist, advisor, analytic, muse and more to my clients at Webroi AS. Webroi is a small web marketing agency working for measurably efficient marketing on the Internet. Our model is lean marketing. About 12 years ago I left traditional advertising behind after 10 years as Art director in New York and Oslo, and I haven’t looked back since. Turning web traffic into profit sustainably is what it’s all about now. I never cease to draw on my “baggage” from traditional marketing for the holistic approach necessary to build brands in any channel, however.

Happy reading!

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